worship services,
food and gifts,
I am grateful for every bustling moment filled with hugs, laughter, happy tears and the gatherings of loved ones.
The rhythm of the seasons refresh me and I appreciate that the stark, black and white beauty of the winter months follow the faster pace of December. These quieter months with the shorter daylight hours invite me to slow down, reflect and hibernate with my thoughts. And a good book or two. I received three books for Christmas. Happy me.
When I sit still with Jesus and His Word I've been paying attention to the words He spoke while walking this earth. The red letter words in my NIV Bible. And I wonder what His voice sounds like. In John 20, verses ten to eighteen, the writer describes Mary wailing at Jesus' empty tomb in despair over His death and now missing body. Jesus stands there and speaks to her but she doesn't recognize Him until He speaks her name. Then she turned towards Jesus. Then her despair becomes astonished joy and hope. This account consistently makes me wonder what my name would sound like spoken out loud by Jesus. His Spirit does call to my spirit daily and He invites me to turn towards Him, to know His alive, active presence in all my life circumstances. But I look forward to hearing my name out loud from the mouth of Jesus. Can you imagine??
Jesus spoke the continents into being with His words. He spoke hummingbirds and puffins and strawberries and aspens and zebras into being. And when He knew me and my name, even before I was birthed, He spoke Melanie into being. And each one of us.
I love to hear the voice of Kevin saying my name. Or Jeremy, Maria, Mechelle. When my cell phone rings and there, on the other end of the line, is the voice of one of my loved ones, my soul sings. And so I wonder what Jesus' voice sounded like when His human body walked this globe. Was the pitch musical or raspy? Was His voice soft or firm or loud? I imagine it firm but gentle, with a smile in its tone. Medium to low in pitch. Easy to listen to with an invitation to courage and believing. When I pause daily to sit with Jesus, His "voice" reorients me to who I really am; beloved and chosen, redeemed and forgiven, free and secure in Him. No need to strive or work for favor. I am His delight. Each one reading this as a Christ follower is too.
In 2015 I want to listen for my name as much as I call out His. I want to savor His presence in quietness, in stillness. Even though I know God is always with me, I want to enjoy being with him without an agenda, moments of simple togetherness.
In repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength.
Isaiah 30:15