Saturday, March 18, 2017

A Child Leads Me

While browsing in a home décor store recently, I noticed a toddler in his father’s arms lamenting and reaching for his mama examining merchandise nearby. The boy child was clearly weary of the shopping, perhaps hungry as it was around the lunch hour. A few moments later, in his mama’s arms, she played with him their special little game and he giggled with delight. His peals of laughter were sweet and distracted me from the shop’s merchandise. I paused and enjoyed his delight.  They continued their game and his giggles erupted again and again. I noticed four other shoppers and two store employees paused to observe the exchange between mother and child. As the adults smiled at one another, the elderly man commented that there is nothing quite as pleasant as the laughter of a child. We all nodded in agreement.

The pause of two or three minutes in the hustle of the day refreshed my perspective. God was present in the intimate moment between mother and son. The mama’s play and child’s response clearly demonstrated his trust and belonging in her arms of love. He had forgotten his tiredness, his hunger.


I, too, have lamented to my Father God the recent losses in my life and the weariness of dashed hopes.
Still, I find myself;

delighting in a small child’s laughter,

noticing the frost glistening on pine needles,

captured by the pink glow of morning sky reflected on the waters of our backyard creek,

 tickled to my soul with belly laughs,
and content with the snuggles of my grandbaby and sweet conversations with our adult children.

I realize I am in the nurturing presence of my Father’s love, beloved and belonging.


My doubts,

my angst, 

my questions. 

Momentarily forgotten and sharing delight with God for the gifts of daily life.

Being aware of God’s presence and attentive to the treasures of each day help me hold the mystery of troublesome questions and doubts that linger in the shadows of my soul with trust in the arms of Perfect Love.