Tuesday, June 20, 2017


In unguarded moments, with the lightness of a feather caressing my soul, my entire being becomes alert to the goodness of life. This awareness is accompanied by acceptance of all that encompasses my life in the moment. The nanoseconds of peace are intimate, come unexpectedly, clear my perspective and stir wordless gratitude. They breeze through my soul, bathing it in light, color, music and fragrance.

It happened recently on a gorgeous spring morning talking with my neighbor after a brisk walk. As we were chatting, I was simultaneously aware, in the depths of my being, that life is holy and good. Sometimes it touches me when my hands are in the earth, pulling weeds and removing spent blossoms.  Another time this consciousness came out of the shadows was when watching glistening water droplets dancing with the emerging hatch on a mountain stream, warm sun on my back and my love beside me.

I wish I could make these honeyed moments happen. I receive them as gifts from God and savor each occurrence.

I notice these graces show up in the quiet, unhurried days of my life. The days that start with a rested body and stillness in prayer are the days they are more likely to occur. Sometimes, in the midst of demanding scheduling, if I pause, breathe and pay attention to my blessings, I might sense a light grace touch my soul.  Other times, it is the breath and pause that brings refreshment.

What I can do to open myself to these graces God gifts me is protect my life from living at a high speed of constant demands and stress.  I choose, sometimes better than other times, to align my life with what I value:

-time for listening to God and my people,

-a simpler lifestyle,

-contentment with less, believing I have enough,

-resting even if unfinished with a task,

-letting go of needing to have everything perfect,

-playing and being creative,

-spending time in the outdoors and

-allowing time to putter and think.
I wonder if this is what the man and woman experienced in the first Garden in Time; when Time began and there was time for everything. No hurrying. No deadlines. Walking with the Holy Presence and being fully present. All was perfection and goodness and soaking in the extravagant love of the Beloved Trinity.

This is what I imagine when I experience the crystal clear stillness of deep-souled knowing that all is very well. 


  1. So rich, so needed! This post is a vision, makes me thirsty for this serenity!

    1. Thank you Jeremy. I'm praying your season of rest comes soon!
